Tag Archives: monteponi @en

Visits at Porto Flavia and Galleria Villamarina at Iglesias: May 2015

Porto Flavia from the sea

The mining attractions of Porto Flavia at Masua and Galleria Villamarina at Iglesias (Monteponi Mine) are must to visit places in Sulcis Iglesiente, in South Western Sardinia.  Both the mining sites are masterpieces of mining art and technology of the Twentieth Century.

Here times, costs and ways of booking in the month of May 2015 .

Masua, Iglesias
Weekend (Saturday and Sunday)
Guided Tour in english
Times: 9.30/10.00/10.30/11.00/11.30/12.00/12.30/13.00/14.30/15.00/15.30/16.00

Guided Tours in English only with booking

Info & Booking:
Tourist Office IAT – Call from Monday to Saturday from 10 am to 12 am – 4 pm to 8 pm, ).
Tel. Num. : +39 0781/41795
email: infoturistiche@comune.iglesias.ca.it
Reservations are not required, but they are highly recommended . Without reservation, the entry could’t be  guarantee in view of the quota of visits .
Guided tours in Spanish and German by reservation .

Monteponi, Iglesias
Guided Tours in English only with booking
Info & Booking:
Tourist Office IAT – Call from Monday to Saturday from 10 am to 12 am – 4 pm to 8 pm, ).
Tel. Num. : +39 0781/41795
email: infoturistiche@comune.iglesias.ca.it
Reservations are mandatory.
Guided tours in Spanish and German by reservation

Hours and tickets: ( new rates effective from May 4)
Full: Euro 10.00
Reduced (children aged 12.6 years and seniors from 65 years old): Euro 6:50
Groups ( at least 20 paying adults ) : Euro 8.00
Schools : Euro 6:50

On institutional websites of the City of Iglesias, Geo-mining Park and IGEA you can find the updated information for tours.